War thunder battleship gameplay
War thunder battleship gameplay

war thunder battleship gameplay

Some though can only be obtained via micro-transactions and each of these comes fully kitted out when purchased. The upgrades and vehicles can be bought via micro-transactions or using in-game currency – thankfully it isn’t too hard to build your upgrades through gameplay alone. Each vehicle you decide to use will require a crew to operate and in a really nice addition each of your crews are also upgradable, offering better control of vehicles or quicker repairs and various other abilities.


Research points are gained for just about every action in the game and it doesn’t take too long to build a nice hangar full of upgraded vehicles.


You start off with a couple of free vehicles and can upgrade them as you go whilst also researching new vehicles. You have a gigantic amount of choice when it comes to vehicles and each also has its own upgrade tree and cosmetics that you can edit. War Thunder offers a huge variety of vehicles, from fighter planes to anti aircraft tanks, and right through to naval destroyers and everything in between. Thankfully Arcade battles feel amazing with a controller, especially with the planes everything handles well and is easy to get to grips with and you soon find yourself twisting around the skies, taking out other players, and dive bombing ground targets to gain the upper hand for your team. You can switch this off, but even then it’s very hard with a controller.


Unfortunately Xbox keyboard and mouse support is not included, which makes Simulator Battles far too difficult, especially given that crossplay with PC players is enabled by default. These again are fun, though you would be best to research a few vehicles before jumping in here as later waves can be very hard. Assault Battles are co-op experiences that see you and a team defending bases against increasingly difficult waves of enemies. Arcade battles offer easier controls and simplified physics to deliver games that are more fun in nature and closer to the “point & shoot” feel of many modern shooters. These are also the most difficult and require deft use of controls in order to prevail. Simulator Battles are the most realistic, offering up expanded controls and options for those that want to become military buffs. Once you decide to get into a game you’re given three types of modes to join – Simulator Battles, Arcade Battles and Assault Battles. Sound is suitably impressive too, with big orchestral soundtracks on the menus and great thumping bangs for each weapon. It’s all very realistic and offers a great amount of immersion.

war thunder battleship gameplay

Take hits to the wings and you’ll notice that flaps may not extend or that the engine begins to leak. Presentation overall is very nice, with incredibly detailed vehicle models that even have the entire interiors rendered so that damage can affect not only the visuals but also performance. It sometimes feels like War Thunder is offering three separate games in one package… and in some ways it is. Secondly, it means that each of the three types of vehicle don’t feel compromised in any way – far too often games throw in a variety of vehicles only to rely on one control scheme for them all, often resulting in some of the vehicles handling terribly. This helps combat any sort of fatigue you might feel because you can just switch up the game mode if you fancy a break from dominating the skies, or if you find tank battles too difficult.

war thunder battleship gameplay

Firstly, each mode feels like a completely different game. To ensure that the game is as easy to pick up as possible, Gaijin have taken the smart move of giving each of these game types a completely unique control scheme rather than trying to shoehorn one set of controls across all game modes.

war thunder battleship gameplay

Ground Battles see a whole shed load of tanks thrown together in games of capture point domination, and finally the Naval Battle beta brings with it a smaller selection of boats and ships to determine control of the seas. Air Battles bring together a vast array of planes from various nations in a fight to control the skies. In its current form War Thunder offers three very distinct ways to play.

War thunder battleship gameplay